Thursday, January 1, 2009

the beginning of the r e s t of our lives

Wow. I cannot believe that 2008 has come and gone. Yes yes, it's true every year, but now I really know why they say time flies faster the older you get... and especially after college. Speaking of post college, my life has so drastically changed since I graduated from Moody Bible -- in very unexpected yet amazing ways (for one, I definitely thought I would be living overseas by now, but obviously God knows best). God truly is a God of mystery and wonder. He is so unpredictable, but that is what I love about my Father. I always love a good challenge, so I think that is why I love this characteristic about God so much ::His unpredictability:: because I am challenged to try to "figure" Him out more and more each day, which in turn I learn (for the bajillionth time) that I simply cannot. Nonetheless, each time I try, I am pushed deeper and deeper into the heart and soul of God. 

So back to my thoughts on 2008... I finished my 2nd year already working for Pastor Rick and his family at New Life Church and have ventured in to my 3rd year as Rick’s assistant. Crazy! I feel like I was hired yesterday. Life is NEVER dull with the good 'ole Bezet family, and I love them and learn from them more and more each day (not to mention my dear friends Erin and Callie who are like sisters to me and a part of that amazing and crazy family :>).  It is funny because my sister Christina, who is such an amazing and godly example to me (not to mention she is hilarious!) always tells me that my life is like The Truman Show (hence the title of my blog, at least for now). And honestly, I am a little scared, because I am starting to believe that she’s right! What if everything happening in my life is set up around me to create an interesting television show to be broadcasted for all to see without my knowing? Ahh. That is so scary, haha! But certain things that happen in my life on a consistent basis (especially work-related) give me every reason to believe that this would not be so far-fetched from potential truth. Maybe I will take the time later to write out some specific examples so you can see what I mean! 

Well, I have spent my fair share of blogging the last couple of days, so I am going to sign off for now. You can check out my other recent post here if you get the chance. However, it is similar to an exegetical paper, the kind I loved writing at Moody, so don’t say I didn’t warn you =).

As we say goodbye to 2008 and hello to 2009, remember that today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for each and every one of us.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

it's time.

ok. it's time. i've been talking about getting a blog forever. well, i finally created one, actually two. so that was progress, right... at least creating the blog(s)? but you see, now both blogs have just been sitting here for a few weeks doing nothing, saying nothing, not really even looking pretty- just sitting. see, i have this problem of wanting to either go all out on something or not doing it at all (also known as being a perfectionist). and then i also have this other problem of needing to so compartmentalize my life that i thought i would use one blog for "day to day" stuff and fun pictures, etc. and the other blog for my more "oh so reflective, deep, intellectually-stimulating thoughts and insights" (haha). well, i have finally given in... call it reluctancy or peer pressure or sheer determination. nonetheless. i'm blogging. and it's fun. even if i can't be "all" (opposed to "nothing") about my blog(s) consistently, at least i have officially posted an entry- and i plan to continue doing so. therefore that's problem #1 defeated... now i'm still stuck with my 2nd problem, because i would like to regularly keep up with both blogs, depending on what kind-of mood i am in. but, unless something changed when i wasn't looking, my job title is still "personal assistant" -which means that i have to manage two people's schedules (and sadly that does not mean that i get twice as many hours in a day, though i think it should). who knows, maybe i will be able to clone myself one of these days; that'd be amazing (ha, not really- i actually think that would take away the uniqueness and intricacy of each person and his/her design, but we won't get into my thoughts on that, at least not in this blog, lol). my eyelids are quickly closing, but to all you bloggers out there who have been anxiously waiting for me to post my first entry, you should be proud. thanks for inviting me. i'm glad to be here.
